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Protecting the Future of Our Oceans
The pristine beaches of Los Cabos are renowned for their beauty and prized for their vital role as nesting grounds for sea turtles, including the endangered Olive Ridley turtles. Pueblo Bonito Resorts has been at the forefront of conservation efforts, dedicating time and resources to protecting these magnificent creatures and educating the public, ensuring the turtles’ survival for future generations.
The 2024-2025 nesting season kicked off with a remarkable surge in Olive Ridley turtle activity. With luck, it may become a record-breaking season. In just two days, early August witnessed a historic mass nesting event, with hundreds of females coming ashore to lay their eggs in El Suspiro Beach and Pueblo Bonito. This unprecedented spike prompted all those in the conservation community to respond quickly, collecting eggs for protection 24 hours a day — an effort complicated by hatchlings emerging from previously established nests.
In collaboration with colleagues from several other resorts, the Pueblo Bonito team was instrumental in protecting 205 nests, safeguarding 21,740 eggs at our in-house conservation nursery. The expertise garnered over 21 years of unwavering commitment to the cause has resulted in a system that helped ensure a seamless process even in this most unexpected situation. The protective corral established at Pueblo Bonito is a custom-built nursery where we can house the eggs to ensure their safe incubation and the eventual release of newborn turtles.
This collaborative approach has not only protected countless Olive Ridley turtles but has also fostered a sense of community and shared responsibility for conservation. The dedicated efforts of individuals like Silvestre Candela, David Alavez, and Agustín Alejandro Gil continue to be invaluable as they collect, protect, and release these vulnerable creatures. The welcome increase in nesting activity is a testament to the ever-improving health of the turtle population returning to Los Cabos year after year and the positive impact it has had on the local ecosystem.
Pueblo Bonito's turtle protection program has achieved remarkable success over the years. The countless hatchlings released into the sea are now reaching adulthood and returning to the same beaches where they were born. This is an unequivocally positive sign that highlights our community’s ongoing conservation efforts and verifies our program's effectiveness.
As the nesting season progresses, Pueblo Bonito remains vigilant, monitoring the beaches for new nests and ensuring the safety of the hatchlings. The resort's commitment to conservation extends beyond the protection of Olive Ridley turtles; it encompasses a broader effort to preserve the delicate balance of the marine environment.
If you're passionate about conservation and want to contribute to the protection of Olive Ridley sea turtles, book a stay at one of our Los Cabos resorts during the sea turtle nesting season. Our engaging program offers educational opportunities for guests, and by choosing to vacation at a resort that actively supports efforts like these, you directly contribute to the preservation of these endangered creatures.