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World Turtle Day
For nearly two decades, Pueblo Bonito Golf & Spa Resorts and Quivira Los Cabos have participated in crucial ecological efforts, notably their turtle protection and release program. As vital parts in two ecosystems, beaches and marine systems, turtles offer a meaningful lesson in ecology, and this month, we celebrate them. World Turtle Day is May 23rd, and we’d like to take this opportunity to detail the ways we support them. If sea turtles become extinct, both the marine and beach ecosystems in Los Cabos will weaken. Sea turtles use beaches and the lower dunes to nest and lay about 100 eggs per nest. Dune plants use the nutrients from decomposing turtle eggs to strengthen and grow. Without the turtles, dune vegetation would lose its integrity, and in time, cause the beaches to erode. Fortunately, the work we’ve done thus far is already producing positive results.
Reflecting on nearly 20 years of data, we’ve observed an increase in the presence of fish, birds, beach crabs, and other species, which indicates that the presence of turtles has undoubtedly contributed to their balance. The shoreline vegetation looks healthy and seabird nesting has increased. In the eight years since the start of the turtle protection program, 80 to 300 nests per season were protected; subsequently, nesting increased year after year, so much so that now, in the last four seasons, more than 2,000 nests have been protected, which tells us that the program has been a success and has been contributing to the recovery of legendary reptile hedges.
Three species of sea turtles nest in the Los Cabos area and call our shorelines home: the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), and the brown or black turtle (Chelonia m. agassizii). The majority of olive ridley turtle nest from June to December, but smaller numbers continue to nest throughout the year. The leatherback turtle spawning season is from November to March, and the brown turtle, sporadically, from August to January. The leatherback turtle is the largest sea turtle in the world, measuring up to two meters long and weighing up to 1,000 lbs. It is also the most threatened species of sea turtle and is in a critical state of extinction, with some specialists projecting that the current population is not large enough to provide continuity of life. In Mexico, it is subject to special protection by federal environmental laws.
How exactly do we find balance in our environment with turtles as our valued neighbors? Sea turtles play a very important role within coastal and marine ecosystems and are therefore an indicator of the health of these ecosystems. For example, turtles are natural predators of jellyfish and maintain their population at bay. Without them, jellyfish would infest the oceans and cause the extinction of other species. The hatchlings of sea turtles are also eaten by many species of fish and seabirds that are part of these ecosystems. Without the turtles, an imbalance would occur that could lead to the disappearance of these other species.
On the beach, the function of the turtles is equally important. From the moment the female adult turtles lay their eggs until the new hatchlings make their way towards the ocean, the turtles form an important part of the ecosystem that develops on the beach and in the dunes. The coastal vegetation absorbs the nutrients provided by the nests, strengthening the roots. These roots then help to maintain the formation of the dunes and reduce erosion. The dunes are a natural retaining wall that protects the coast from the onslaught of the sea caused by high waves. If the nesting process is interrupted, this fragile ecosystem would be seriously affected. This is why our program is so important.
Maintaining the balance requires not only our support, but that of our guest and other destination visitors. To learn how you can get involved during your stay, contact our concierge. If visiting during the nesting or hatching season (August through December), Pueblo Bonito guests and Quivira Los Cabos residents can participate in our efforts by attending a hatchling release or visiting the turtle camp. During the rest of the year, you can also contribute to the turtle protection all year long by taking simple actions such as properly disposing of your garbage and keeping our beaches and natural areas clean, not making your own bonfires on the beach, and keeping the beach free of obstacles or vehicles that may harm the turtles or prevent nesting. Help us and help the turtles by doing your part, not just on World Turtle Day, but every day.